Saturday, December 31, 2011

Animals With Backbones

Animals With Backbones Review

Distinguishing characteristics of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds and mammals are explained, including reproduction, respiration and other specialized body functions that help them adapt to a specific temperature and environment. "The film quality, narration, and organization are outstanding." -Science Books & Films. A Coronet release.

This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

National Geographic's Reptiles and Amphibians [VHS]

National Geographic's Reptiles and Amphibians [VHS] Review

More than 350 million years ago, a new creature emerged from the water - the first amphibian. Today, the awesome traces of their progeny exist on virtually every continent. Join National Geographic in the search for exotic reptiles such as the Komodo dragons, giant tortoise, and viperous sea snake. Encounter the crocodile which remained relatively unchanged since the era of the dinosaur. REPTILES AND AMPHIBIANS tracks the evolutionary link to our past and examines the creatures that have long inspired fascination and fear in man.

Friday, December 30, 2011

Green Iguanas-Video [VHS]

Green Iguanas-Video [VHS] Review

The video presents information based on the latest scientific research on choosing an animal and giving it proper housing, heating, lighting, and a healthful diet. There are also detailed instructions on disease prevention and safe handling. Of special interest to serious hobbyists is a 15-minute segment on the how-to's of breeding. It includes never-before-seen footage showing male aggressiveness, mating, egg-laying, as well as information for breeders on how to incubate eggs.

National Geographic Video: Reptiles and Amphibians

National Geographic Video: Reptiles and Amphibians Review

Encounter the fascinating creatures that have adapted and survived since prehistoric times.

Thursday, December 29, 2011

ABC News Nightline The Deformed Frogs: One Step Closer to Solving the Mystery

ABC News Nightline The Deformed Frogs: One Step Closer to Solving the Mystery Review

During the summer of 1997, there was growing concern in Minnesota, Vermont and Quebec over the discovery of quite a few deformed frogs. In Minnesota alone, deformed frogs were discovered at 85 sites in 21 counties. There was any number of theories on what caused the deformities but no conclusions. Over that summer, significant abnormalities in frogs were also found in Wisconsin, Missouri, New York, Connecticut, Oregon, Washington and California. Most of the scientific attention is still focused on Minnesota, where deformed frogs have now been discovered at 85 sites in 21 counties.

Reptiles and Amphibians

Reptiles and Amphibians Review

More than 350 million years ago, a new creature emerged from the water-the first amphibian. Today, the awesome traces of their progeny exist on virtually every continent. Join National Geographic in the search for exotic reptiles such as the Komodo dragon, giant tortoise, and viperous sea snake. Encounter the crocodile which has remained relatively unchanged since the era of the dinosaur. Track the evolutionary link to our past and examine the creatures that have long inspired fascination and fear in man.

This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

Animals & Arachnids & Prehistoric Animals & Reptiles

Animals & Arachnids & Prehistoric Animals & Reptiles Review

Answers questions such as "Why do dogs bury bones?" "Does a cow have four stomachs?" "What is a spiders web made of?" "Are Tarantulas poisonous?" It also answers such questions as "When did life begin?" "Why do snakes have scales?" "What is a Tuatara?" "W

This product is manufactured on demand using DVD-R recordable media.'s standard return policy will apply.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Herpers 2

Herpers 2 Review

A must have for any herper! This is the follow-up to the original multiple award-winning documentary on the great reptile culture with a stronger emphasis on what concerns the average herper. Just to mention a few of the stops, the Costa Rican Amphibian Research Center, headquarters, sitting down with Andrew Wyatt of USARK who sheds light on proposed legislation which could prevent the keeping of these incredible animals in our homes, to a first time personal tour of the LLL Reptile facilities. Then it is back to criss-crossing the country to visit with reptile and amphibian breeders. Movie running time 100 minutes. Special features include deleted scenes, bloopers, and 'The Importance of Being a Herper' with Donald Schultz

Life in Cold Blood

Life in Cold Blood Review

Life in Cold Blood Feature

  • Written and presented by David Attenborough, Life in Cold Blood tells the epic story of the most enduringly successful animals ever to walk on land ? reptiles and amphibians. The very latest technology enables extraordinary and previously unseen behavior to be captured in intimate detail, overturning the myth that cold blooded life is slow, solitary and primitive, and revealing these creatures to
Billed as the last in David Attenborough's series of Life nature documentaries, Life in Cold Blood leaves you hoping that proves not to be the case. For once more, as he has done many times in his distinguished career, Attenborough gently--and unobtrusively--delivers an utterly fascinating insight into the world in which we live. Life in Cold Blood looks at reptiles and amphibians, bringing into focus a series of creatures very much of all shapes and sizes. Across the episodes that make up the series, the filmmakers delve into the lives and mannerisms of its subjects with some quite stunning camera work, bringing to our screens things that have quite simply never been seen before. As much as perhaps we shouldn't take for granted the heights that Attenborough's work easily scales, Life in Cold Blood happily matches the standards of his earlier series. Often genuinely jaw-dropping, and never less than completely absorbing, the DVD set is rounded off with some equally intriguing bonus features that delve into the complex production of the program itself. If Life in Cold Blood really does bring the Life series to an end, then that's even more reason to cherish it. Regardless, this is an extraordinary series that'll make you look at snakes, frogs, crocodiles, and turtles in very different ways. Unmissable. --Simon Brew Written and presented by David Attenborough, Life in Cold Blood tells the epic story of the most enduringly successful animals ever to walk on land – reptiles and amphibians. The very latest technology enables extraordinary and previously unseen behavior to be captured in intimate detail, overturning the myth that cold blooded life is slow, solitary and primitive, and revealing these creatures to be as dramatic, social, sophisticated and passionate as warm blooded animals. As with Life in the Undergrowth, this series will change the audience's perceptions forever - giving them a new, warm-hearted relationship with Life in Cold Blood. With this series, David Attenborough completes his overview of life on the planet.

Monday, December 26, 2011

ABC News Nightline Frogs: What are they really telling us?

ABC News Nightline Frogs: What are they really telling us? Review

It's easy enough to dismiss frogs as either cute or repulsive depending on your point of view, but they do get around. They tend to breed in shallow water, they hop around and feed on the landscape as mature adults and depending on the season, they also feed in deeper waters, rivers and lakes. For a variety of reasons, frogs are good biological barometers, early warning systems of possible dangers in the environment. If frogs begin showing signs of distress, it could be only a matter of time before other species are affected, including humans. What seemed at first like a freakish quirk of nature, the appearance of a few truly deformed frogs, has now occurred in a dozen states and the Biological Resources Division of the US Geological Survey set up a Web site with background information, photographs and maps. They're concerned enough that they want Americans to be on the look out.

Sunday, December 25, 2011

Amazing Animals - Slimy Animals [VHS]

Amazing Animals - Slimy Animals [VHS] Review

Broadcast nationally on The Disney Channel, Amazing Animals has quickly won children's hearts around the nation. Featuring the lovable Henry the Lizard as the Inquisitive Object of the narrator's clever questions and insights, each Video is a riot of humor, live-action footage, animation; and information. Children have fun as they learn about animals around the globe.
No. 1 rated non- Disney program on the Disney Channel
Disney Channel ratings increased 31 percent for the Amazing Animals broadcast time slot!
Amazing Animals videos: Armored Animals reached No. 38 on Billboard's Video Retail Charts

Rattlers, Peepers & Snappers; A Complete DVD Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles That Breed in New England

Rattlers, Peepers & Snappers; A Complete DVD Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles That Breed in New England Review

Rattlers, Peepers & Snappers; A Complete DVD Guide to the Amphibians and Reptiles That Breed in New England Feature

  • Footage and narration covering field marks and habitat use of every species in New England,
  • Adventures with New England experts,
  • Over 3 hours of programs,
  • Frog calls of every species in New England,
  • Quizzes, fact sheets and resource pages,
The award winning Rattlers, Peepers and Snappers is designed for anyone who wants to learn about herpetology, natural history and is the first complete DVD field guide of the 52 fascinating amphibians & reptiles that breed in New England. There are individual segments on all the species that breed in New England as well as reptile and amphibian field adventures hosted by a variety of New England experts. Viewers can watch an entire field adventure series on reptiles or amphibians or choose any of the stand-alone adventures from within each series. The DVD consists of: 3 hours of programs, Frog calls of every species, Facts sheets & resource pages & 6 Quizzes- by sight and sound